Learning 🤓

Gitlab CLI In progress

Rust is wow ❤️ but it doesn't have a smooth learning curve. So I decided to build a CLI for gitlab just to learn ✌️.
Update (2023): Kinda lost interest. Hope I'll get some free time to start this again.

React and D3

Built this app in like 4hrs for an interview (which I've unfortunately turned down), but I really liked the experience.
Note: Initially, I've demonstrated deploying the files to AWS S3 bucket, but since my free plan got expired, I've moved everything to surge

Student Analysis

Non-Fancy React App built for my Data Visualization class assignment. Going through D3 documentation with my basic arithmetic mind was one of the hardest thing I've ever done.

Beyond React 16

And, started learning react in the hard way now - going through docs - listened to React conferences. This is one of the famous demo done by Dan Abramov.

GUI Builder

Simple Drag-n-Drop GUI builder.

Billing System

My friend's uncle owns a Shop in town, which needs a very very basic billing system to just record the sales. So, I got this chance to explore Javascript ecosystem by building an Electron app (with React.js).

Mobile Applications - Android
Whatsapp (Java)

As a beginner, I wanted to understand Android layouts first. So I re-created only the UI portion of Whatsapp Chat.

Technical Tresure Hunt (Kotlin)

This is a game conducted at my college symposium. Check the rules of the game here.